英会話スクール・英会話教室🌟Interesting thing about English🌟


本日はアメリカ出身Lance先生interesting thing about Englishについてお話ししてくれました😝

Here’s an interesting thing about English:
When writing messages or comments on social media, you can say “I’m crying” to mean “I’m laughing so hard” or to mean “This made me so happy.” Sometimes we say “I’m crying” to mean happiness because we laughed so hard that tears came out of our eyes from joy. Have you ever cried from laughing? I have. It’s a great feeling. Sometimes my friends and I laugh so hard we can’t see anything because our eyes get so watery.
Do you know what “I can’t” means? Of course it means, “できない” but there are also many other meanings. Did you know that “I can’t” can also mean “that is so amazing, I’m speechless.” For example, on YouTube there are many amazing music videos and dancing videos. When the videos are so fantastic, many people will write comments like “I can’t” to mean that they thought the video was so incredible.

爆笑しているフリをしているLance先生(* ´艸`)

皆さんは, “I’m crying” “I can’t” means?をご存知でしたか❓


NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

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