英会話スクール・英会話教室🍺Pub Culture in England🍺

Hello! NOVA立川校です!



As lock down is being slowly lifted in the UK, I’m seeing more and more photos or friends and family having fun and socialising again.

It’s really nice to see after such a long year of rough restrictions.

However, when I saw peoples excitement grow as 12th April approached, I realized how strong “Pub Culture” is in the UK.

This is because 12th April was the date that “pub gardens”(or sometimes “beer gardens”) were allowed to reopen. People were so excited for it that it was like England were playing in the world cup final.

In the UK, going to a pub garden is probably the most popular activity in summer.

So, a few summers ago, when the weather was great, and England were playing in the world cup and reached the semi-final, you can imagine the chaos.



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