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💝Valentine’s Day in America💝

In America, Valentine’s Day is a little different than it is in Japan. While in traditional relationships women can give gifts to their significant other if they would like to, it is usually the man who is expected to give a gift. Typical gifts include chocolates, cards, flowers (usually red roses), stuffed animals (such as a teddy bear), and jewelry. Men will often gift one of those things or any combination of them.

There is no equivalent of White Day in the United States. While it is of course nice if you thank your partner for their gift, there is no expectation that you will give them a gift in return.

It is also extremely common for couples to go out for dinner at a nice restaurant on the evening of Valentine’s Day. If you plan on taking your partner out on that day, you’d better make reservation well in advance! Restaurants are usually fully booked.

Apart from couples, it is also common for family and friends to give each other small presents, or “valentines”. Small children often buy packs of small cards with popular characters and short phrases on them and hand them out to their classmates. Sometimes they also give candy such as lollipops or chocolates as well. My mother would always buy boxes of chocolates for me and my siblings. This year, now that we no longer live in her home, my brother had a bouquet of roses delivered to her. She was so happy, she even shared it on Facebook!

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