

Hello! I’m Dan and I work at the Nishinomiya Kitaguchi school. I am from a small town in UK called Shrewsbury. It is a very beautiful town with lots of old buildings that have been there for hundreds of years! Shrewsbury is also the birthplace of Charles Darwin, the man who came up with the Theory of Evolution. Maybe you’ve heard of him, he’s very famous!

I first came to Kansai two years ago when I studied at the Osaka College of Music. Whilst I was studying, I learnt a lot about traditional Japanese music. I even learnt how to play the koto and shamisen! I thought Kansai was an amazing place. The food was delicious, the people were friendly and there were so many fun things to do and see. I loved Kansai so much, I had to come back again! Now I live in Nishnomiya, and I really enjoy exploring new places and eating lots of delicious food!

My favourite hobby is playing music! I love playing the guitar and piano, as well as learning about new music from other countries. I really like music because it’s a great way to learn about new cultures and to make new friends. I also love learning languages! Learning languages is another great way to experience new cultures and ways of thinking. I think if we could all try and learn a little about other people’s cultures, the world would be a much friendlier place!

I love teaching English, and I hope that you enjoy learning too! I look forward to teaching you sometime soon!


NOVA 西宮北口校(兵庫県)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>