Hello, everyone!!
AAVE Slang in America
Over the decades, AAVE (African American Vernacular English), Ebonics, or Black American English has become a popular way of speaking, especially through the use of rap, hip-hop, jazz, and blues. As people around the world become more familiar with rap and Black cultural music and art, they are also introduced to this way of speaking. AAVE originated from a mix of West African languages and the experiences of enslaved Africans in America who were not taught English. These enslaved people had to use their knowledge of their native languages to create words and phrases that helped them understand and use English while also preserving their cultural identity.
Over time, AAVE became something that many people, particularly in American pop culture, began to adopt. It’s often used to sound “cool” or to connect with Black culture. In this article, I will talk about some of the AAVE terms that have either become popular or are commonly used among Black Americans. Some of these words have even entered mainstream American speech.
Some words that have become popular and are used in everyday speech include:
Say Less – This phrase is used to indicate understanding or agreement, often meaning “I got it” or “No need to explain further.”
I’m Weak – This phrase is used when something is very funny or unbelievable, similar to saying “I can’t stop laughing.”
You Feel Me – This expression is used to check if someone understands or agrees with what you’re saying.
Fam – Short for “family,” but used to refer to close friends or people who are like family.
Cap/No Cap – “Cap” means a lie, while “No Cap” means no lie or truth. It’s often used to emphasize honesty.
Some less commonly used words include:
Itis – This refers to the tired or sleepy feeling you get after eating a large meal, especially common after Thanksgiving. Example: “After eating, I got the itis,” or “I got the itis after all that food.”
Good Good/Bad Bad – Repeating a word intensifies the meaning. Example: “Mom’s cooking was good good today,” or “O man, today is cold cold, ain’t it?”
Janky – Used to describe something that isn’t working properly, like a broken item or a situation that’s off. It can also refer to a person, though that’s less common. Example: “The TV’s acting janky,” or “The lights are a bit janky, but it works.”
Pronunciation differences also play a part in AAVE. For example, Black Americans often pronounce words like “the,” “this,” and “them” with a “D” sound: “De,” “Dis,” and “Dem.” Additionally, the “-ing” ending is often dropped, so “listening” becomes “listenin’.”
These are just a few examples of words and pronunciations that are commonly used in Black American speech and pop culture. If you want to try them out, make sure to do so respectfully, as this is cultural language with a deep history. It’s important to understand not only the language but also the music and culture behind it.

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