


皆さま、新年明けましておめでとうございます🎍✨                                         今年も何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます🐍💛❗



🎍新年の良いスタートダッシュに!お得な上達応援10ポイントクーポン販売開始🎍 - 駅前留学NOVA【公式】スクールブログ

皆様お待たせいたしました❗                                           上達応援クーポンが帰ってきました🤭📖👀


そしてなんと、、!NOVAスコアもプレゼント🎁✨                            お得に英会話学習したあと、お力診断チェックで苦手なところ・得意なところ                      分析化し、効率よく英会話力UPしましょう↑↑🙌



🎍Happy New Year 2025🎍新年の入会キャンペーン - 駅前留学NOVA【公式】スクールブログ



新しいことに挑戦するにはせっかくだったらお得にスタートしたいですよね😎😎                        こんなお得な機会は滅多にありませんので、是非体験レッスンでお会いしましょう🐰🐰



Hi there!


It’s the beginning of the year and as always I’ll be traveling abroad.        This time I’m going to India for 6 weeks! I’ll be meeting my parents there and together with a monk we’ll be going on a spiritual pilgrimage all around India. It will be my first time in India, and on a pilgrimage, so I really have no idea what lies ahead. I guess that one of the reasons I like traveling. An adventure wouldn’t be an adventure without some unknowns. Without some mystery. It will also be my first time hanging out with a monk for an extended period of time. I hope I can find some new wisdom that will serve me well in life. I most definitely will take advantage of this huge opportunity to pick his brain and understand the monastic way of life and perspective. I was born and raised in modern city with all the materialism and superficiality you could imagine. So the monk and I are coming from such different worlds. It might be a challenge to even begin to understand what he’s talking about considering our different nature. It’s a moment where I’ll need to unlearn everything and start from scratch. But this trip will not just be a spiritual one. There will be plenty of pleasures and delights. We will take in some of the beautiful sights India has to offer and enjoy the delicacies of their cuisines. Actually Indian food is my favorite so I’m going to be in food heaven. Of course I have to be careful about what I eat to make sure I don’t get ill. But temptation usually get’s the better of me. I need to exercise more self control and discipline, but sometimes I just don’ care. It might be my only time ever in India so I might as well enjoy it to the fullest.










三宮校: 078-321-3999

フリーダイヤル: 0120-324929

月水: 9:00-21:30













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