英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめのレストラン③ McLean Old Fashioned Diner (part 2)☕






Marshal おすすめレストラン③
☕️ McLean Old Fashioned Diner (part 2)
🚃 蔵前駅徒歩3分

part 1をまだご覧になってない方は👉こちらから

 The milkshakes could easily be meals in their own right, but I was on a mission. I was at McLean for a burger, even if I was already full from the earlier milkshake. McLean had a surprisingly large selection of delicious looking burgers and sandwiches. I’d heard that their Philly cheese-steaks were fantastic, but I opted for the classic cheeseburger instead. I wasn’t disappointed at all. These burger was quite large, but not too large to bite into. It was served with some thick, square french fries as well. The buns were grilled as well, a very nice touch. It satisfied my cravings and more, and I was very happy to have had an authentic burger after such a long time. Of course, after french fries, a burger, and a milkshake, I also needed dessert! For dessert, we had a slice of apple pie served with a substantial amount ice cream. It was perfect. At that point, I wasn’t even hungry anymore, but I can never say no to dessert. Now normally, I don’t actually eat cherry pie, but this pie was fantastic. It was sweet, flaky, and crumbly all at the same time. All in all, I had a wonderful time here, and I’ll be sure to return the next time I want to consume 10,000 calories in one meal.


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