This summer my brother visited from China. It was the first time that I had seen my brother in 3 years, but it was his second time in Japan in 4 years. Because it was his second time, I was worried about what to do with him around Tokyo – I was worried that he had already seen most of the exciting stuff here. He stayed for 12 days and I had most of that time off with him. We decided not to plan too much for the first week of his stay and to just “go with the flow”, but an exciting trip to Kanazawa was planned during the final week of his stay!
He arrived late in the evening at Narita airport – It was around nine-thirty pm if I remember correctly. I trusted him to make his way to Shinagawa station by himself, where I met him, as the trip to Narita airport is too expensive and time-consuming! We initially had decided to find food around Shinagawa station, but it was very busy and noisy, so we decided to head back to my apartment area, which is a lot quieter and where there are much less people. By that time it was quite late, and nothing was open but an Izakaya that is very close to my apartment. We had yakitori, fried chicken and french fries. My brother wanted rice, but oddly enough they didn’t have rice when we asked. Perhaps they had ran out of rice by that time? Or, they don’t have white rice on the menu?… what is usual for an Izakaya like this, I don’t know. After we had eaten it was already late and my brother was understandably very tired, so we just went back home to sleep.
計画なしに流れに任せる“go with the flow”もいいですね。明日以降も続きをご紹介致します。
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( ´ θ ` )/ NOVA 川崎校
〒210-0006 神奈川県川崎市川崎区砂子1-7-1 DK.Kawasakiビル2F