


Are you familiar with the saying “No pain, no gain.” ?
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, In March of 2020 I stopped going to the gym to train and excercise. With the idea of StayHome to help prevent spreading the virus, over the following months I gained some ‘corona weight.’ I decided to finally do something about it this year.
I have been regularly doing workouts at home since April of this year. I invested in some resistance bands that have replaced the weights and machines I used to use in the gym. And I have recently made “No pain, no gain” the motto for my workouts.
No pain, no gain is actually an old proverb. It was made popular in the 1980s as an exercise motto by Jane Fonda and later used by people like Billy Blanks.
In the field of training or excercise, many consider this motto to have some truth. But does it really? The motto promises greater rewards for the price of hard and painful work. People who train and excercise or athletes are required to endure physical pain to achieve results. For this reason, many medical experts agree that the proverb is wrong for exercise.
However, I personally think this motto can give me a bit of motivation to continue my at home workouts, so I will stick to it for as long as I can.


No pain, no gain.” 一度は耳にしたことがある表現ではないでしょうか👂




NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>




Sarcasm? Nobody uses that!
by Thomas Lipschultz

Do you know about sarcasm? Yeah, I’ll bet you do. You’re a real expert on the subject, aren’t you?

If you actually are, then you probably realized that the sentences I typed above are sarcastic. But if not, don’t worry! I’ll help you to understand, as best as I can.

There is a word in Japanese for sarcasm: 皮肉. But sarcasm doesn’t seem to be used very often in Japan. At least, it’s not used as often in Japan as it is in English-speaking countries like the U.S.A., the U.K., and Australia in particular. In those countries, sarcasm is almost a way of life.

For example, if you’re having a bad day and someone asks you, “How are you?”, it’s very common to say, “Oh, just great. I’ve never been better!” But you say it with an angry tone of voice, and you really mean the opposite: “I’m unhappy. I wish the situation were better.” In the U.S.A., the U.K., or Australia, if you say this, everyone will understand your real answer. This is a very normal conversation.

Another way sarcasm is used is when someone makes a very big mistake. “Oh, look at the master at work,” you might say. Normally, this might mean that you think this person is very good at his/her job, but if you use an angry tone of voice, it wil instead mean, “How are you so bad at this task?” This may sound rude — and of course, it can be used to insult someone — but it can also be very friendly. You can use sarcasm to tease your good friends, and they will usually enjoy it and think it’s very funny.

Have you ever used sarcasm before? Do you think you’d like to try? If so, please be careful. Sarcasm is mostly about the tone of voice, so if you don’t say the words correctly, it may be easy for the person you’re speaking with to think you’re serious. He/She may feel very insulted by your words. So please try practicing sarcasm with your NOVA instructor next time, instead! Your instructor can tell you if you’re ready to use sarcasm with native speakers, or if you need a little more practice.

I know I almost never write blog entries for the Ikebukuro Nishi branch of NOVA, so I hope you enjoyed this rare, special occasion! Please take care, and I’ll talk to you again next time. 😉




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NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>







1. 铜锣烧 1.どら焼き

2.鲷鱼烧 2.たい焼き
3.小豆汤 3. おしるこ
4.麻糬  4.餅
5.馒头 5.饅頭
6.甜纳豆 6.甘納豆
7.羊羹 7.羊羹







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NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>

🌟Faux pas🌟


本日はRobert先生『Faux pas』についてお話ししてくれました✨
皆さんは、『Faux pas』とはどういうことかご存知でしょう😧❓

Be careful not to commit a faux pas while in a foreign country!

Faux pas /fo pɑ/ is an expression borrowed from French: faux (“false, wrong”) and pas (“step”). It means an embarrassing mistake in etiquette or manners.

Because of different rules of ettiquette between the States and Japan, I admittedly have commited some faux pas during my time in Japan. I will share one of them with you here.

As you all know, places such as hotels and restaurants sometimes provide a pair of slippers that are just for use in the toilet. Well, it`s easy to forget that you`re wearing them, especially after a few drinks. I have worn toilet slippers back to my table at an izakaya. Oops !

While it is considered a faux pas, a lot of foreigners end up doing this at one time or another.
Have you?

Faux pasの表現をしてるRobert先生(´▽`*)

『Faux pas』はフランス語の発音になり、意味は(社交上の)失言や非礼となります🎩

皆さんは、海外に行ったときなどに『Faux pas』を起こしてしまったことはありますか❓😓

とても発音も難しいので、是非Robert先生『Faux pas』についてお話ししてみてください🧐

NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>

⚽European Championships⚽



Hi everybody! I started in working in Ikebukuro again so it’s my first blog for a long time. This week I have been watching soccer. It’s the European Championships and people in my country,England,are very excited as we think we have a good team and might win.
We beat Ukraine 4-0 this week, and now we will play Denmark in the semi-finals. I woke up at 4am to watch but it was ok as I went to bed very early! My sister , her boyfriend and their children called me on the internet and were all singing loudly. I hope England will win as it will make them very happy!
It’s good to see sports taking place this summer, the soccer competition was supposed to be held last year but was cancelled due to the pandemic, like the Tokyo Olympics. I hope by next year things will be fully back to normal.


皆さん、European Championshipsは見ましたか❓


NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>




On 2nd, I went to Ueno park to see an exhibition of sculpture by Isamu Noguchi. The exhibition was very interesting and we could see the progresssion of his sculpture from his early work to the most recent. I enjoyed his most recent work the most. These sculptures were all carved from stone at his studio in Kagawa, Shikoku, using local materials. Isamu Noguchi was born to a Japanese father and American mother and he spent many years living in America but he always felt a strong connection to Japan and its cultural heritage.
We can see this strong influence throughout his work, whilst he also includes concepts from Western art theory. I recommend this exhibition to anyonbe who enjoys the beauty of natural forms.



NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>

🐠The Linguistic Merits of Puns and Dad Jokes🐠


本日はTom先生が英語のダジャレについてお話ししてくれました(* ´艸`)

The Linguistic Merits of Puns and Dad Jokes
Thomas Lipschultz

Before I came to Japan, I worked as a translator for video games. My job was to take popular Japanese games and translate the dialogue from them into English, so people who don’t speak any Japanese can play and enjoy them.

My favorite things to translate were always bad jokes — specifically, puns (ダジャレ) and “dad jokes” (おやじギャグ). We have these same kinds of jokes in English, but because the two languages are so different, it’s a big challenge to adapt Japanese puns and dad jokes into English.

As an example, there was one game where a character who loves bad jokes saw a tree, and he said, 「気になる木だ。」 I translated this to English as, “Something about this tree in-tree-gues me.” Do you understand the joke? I took the word “intrigues” (which means “interests very much“) and changed the “tri” in the middle to the word “tree.” I think this is very similar to the Japanese joke, and English speakers who read it will feel just as cold as Japanese speakers who read the original line.

There are lots of popular puns and dad jokes in English, and translating them to Japanese might be a good way to understand the language a little better. Here are ten examples; can you understand what they mean? How might you say them in Japanese to express the same idea? (If you don’t understand any of them, feel free to ask your NOVA instructor to explain next time you have a lesson!)

1. Is your refrigerator running? Well, then you’d better catch it!
2. I wasn’t sure if that was a car speeding toward me or not. Then it hit me.
3. Having a boiled egg for breakfast every day is unbeatable.
4. A pessimist’s blood type is always B-negative.
5. Are you working hard, or hardly working?
6. You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish. Unless, of course, you play bass.
7. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.
8. I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together. It was riveting!
9. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
10. Today, my son asked me, “Can I have a bookmark?”, and I was so upset. He’s 11 years old, but he still doesn’t know my name is Brian!

And finally, here’s an English + Japanese pun I wrote a few years ago. Please enjoy:

Q: If you lose your suitcase, what is the best Disney/Pixar movie to watch when searching for it?
A: Finding Dory. だって、ファインディング・ニモ・ツーでしょう?

陽気なTom先生( ´∀` )



NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

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1. 提拉米苏              1.ティラミス
2.马卡龙                2. マカロン
3.芝士蛋糕                3. チーズケーキ
4.珍珠奶茶             4.タピオカ
5.蛋挞                       5.タルト
6.布丁                    6.プリン



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NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>

🍴Restaurant experience in Japan vs America🍴



Cultural Differences Between the U.S. and Japan: Restaurants
by Thomas Lipschultz

Hello! It’s me again! 😉

Although the Coronavirus pandemic means nobody can go on vacation to foreign countries right now, the situation is starting to get better, so maybe by the end of 2021, we will all be able to travel once more. What countries would you like to visit when you can travel again?

It seems a lot of Japanese people are interested in visiting the United States, so I thought maybe I could give you some advice on cultural differences between the United States and Japan. This may make your vacation a little easier to manage.

Today, I’d like to talk about going to restaurants, but in the future, I hope I can introduce you to some other differences that may help you in your travels!

You may already know about this, but the restaurant experience in the U.S. is very different than in Japan. To start with, in Japan, your waiter will not usually come to take your order until you raise your hand or yell, すみませ~ん!. Although you can do this in most American restaurants, many waiters will think you are being rude or impatient. Instead, you’re supposed to wait until the waiter comes to your table and asks if you are ready to order.

In Japan, when the waiter brings you your food, he/she will usually bring the bill, too — which we call the “check.” In the U.S., the waiter will not bring you the check until you ask for it. You may need to wait until he/she comes to your table and asks if you are enjoying your food, at which point you can say, “Check, please!”, and the waiter will bring you your check. Sometimes, you may need to raise your hand and call your waiter over, though it’s best not to do this very loudly or it msy seem rude.

When you get your check, you do not usually pay at the front desk like in Japan. Instead, you will set the money on your table, plus the tip, then leave the restaurant. The tip should always be 15% or more of the meal’s total cost, though it’s always best to leave at least 20% if you can, since waiters are often not paid very well in the U.S.

If you are paying by credit card, you may need to call the waiter over again and say, “I’m paying by credit card. Here you go.” The waiter will then process the payment and return your card. Please take a look at the receipt, where you will need to sign your name, and also write how much tip you will give. After you do this, it’s OK to leave.

Of course, this will be different for every restaurant, so if you’re not sure how the restaurant you’ve visited operates, please look for a sign, or ask your waiter.

It can be a very difficult adjustment, but fine dining in the U.S. is very nice, so I think if you try it, you’ll get used to it very quickly.

For me, though, I really appreciate the Japanese way. I wish more American restaurants would operate just like restaurants in Japan!




NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>




Hello! My name is Brendan Ellis! I’m from the US. My hometown is in the state of Maryland, near Washington, D. C. The name of my hometown is Bel Air. It’s a small town, with friendly people, some farms, and lots of open space. So nice! My state, Maryland, is famous for seafood, and especially crab! We love to eat crab in the summer with all our friends. We even eat crabcakes, which are lick crab burgers. Very tasty!

In high school, I studied computer programming. When I went to university, I thought that was what I wanted to do. Later, I changed my mind, and studied to be an elementary school teacher. After graduating, I decided to change again, and become an English teacher in Japan. Definitely one of my best decisions ever!
I came to Japan in April 2018. I live in Itabashi ward in Tokyo. It’s a nice place to live. I came to Japan for a few reasons. First, I really love Japanese music! I started listening to Japanese music in university, and it’s great! I also love Japanese games, like Metal Gear and Biohazard. I’ve been playing games since I was very young, and I always played Japanese games. Japanese anime is something else I like. It was on TV a lot when I was a kid. I’m a big Gundam fan!
Playing games is not my only hobby. I also like to play guitar. I bought an electric guitar soon after I came to Japan, and I play a few times a week these days. I’ve also started recording my own original songs, too. It’s fun! I take a lot of inspiration from Japanese music. I also like cooking food from many places around the world. Pizza is one of my favorite things to make!
Moving to another country has helped me become more creative. I’ve learned a lot, and I hope I can teach you soon! Keep on learning!



NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

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