



\ Martin /

Why did you come to Japan?

I came to Japan because I love the culture here. I have been lucky enough to work in Japan before and I have always loved it. I love the cityscape and exploring, I find it difficult to go back to my accommodation until I’ve walked to the end of every street and seen what’s around every corner. I have yet to spend time in the spectacularly beautiful Japanese rural environment so I can’t wait to get out and explore.

I also came to Japan for the food, the people, and the language. I have become utterly fascinated with the language and am keen to study Japanese as much as I possibly can.

What is your favourite thing about Japan?

My favorite thing about Japan is the people. I have made some great Japanese friends in Japan and I love the friendly, polite, fun, personalities of the Japanese people I have met here. I also love the food in Japan, and the dining experience in general. In particular I like soba, tempura, and sushi. I love cooking so I am hoping to add some new culinary life skills to my repertoire.













NOVA 小倉駅前校(福岡県)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>