英会話スクール・英会話教室💐Patchの日本での思い出⑤ A Day in Kamakura💐






A Day in Kamakura

I really love history so I knew I had to visit Kamakura eventually, especially because it’s right here in Kanagawa. The eno-den trains were really quaint, but very crowded so I mostly walked around the Shonan area instead of taking the local trains. I actually walk and jog a lot in my free time so an extra couple of kilometers was no big deal. The beach area was really cool too see, because that old style beach is totally different from the sandy resort beaches that are popular in America. I also had fish tonkatsu which was surprisingly really really good since fish is definitely not a normal tonkatsu meat. The fish were caught nearby as well which was cool to see. Honestly I think I was pretty lucky (or maybe my Kanagawa friend guiding me brought the luck) because it really was perfect weather and not too crowded in most spots.


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