英会話スクール・英会話教室海外で使えるフレーズin English😊池袋西口校








American English is rich with phrases that add color and depth to everyday conversations. Here are some useful expressions that can enhance your language skills and make your interactions more engaging.

  1. “Break the ice”
    This phrase is perfect for starting a conversation in a social setting. It means to initiate contact or communication, easing any initial awkwardness. For example, “To break the ice at the party, I told a funny story about my vacation.”
  2. “Hit the nail on the head”
    Use this when someone accurately identifies a problem or situation. It signifies precision and correctness. For example, “When Jane explained why the project failed, she hit the nail on the head.”
  3. “Bite the bullet”
    This means to face a difficult situation with courage and determination. For example, “I didn’t want to get the surgery, but I had to bite the bullet.”
  4. “Spill the beans”
    This playful phrase means to reveal a secret. It’s often used in a light-hearted context. For example, “Who spilled the beans about the surprise party?”
  5. “The ball is in your court”
    This expression is used to indicate that it’s someone else’s turn to take action or make a decision. For instance, “I’ve done all I can. Now, the ball is in your court.”

These phrases are just a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic nature of American English. By incorporating them into your speech, you can communicate more effectively and connect more deeply with native speakers. Try using these expressions in your conversations and watch how they can transform your interactions!

A Conversation using the phrases

John and Mary are colleagues meeting for coffee to discuss an upcoming project at work. Their conversation is peppered with useful American English phrases, demonstrating how these expressions can make everyday interactions more engaging.

John: Hey Mary, glad we could meet up. I thought it would be good to break the ice before we dive into the project details.

Mary: Absolutely, John. I was thinking the same. Starting a big project like this can be daunting, but it’s always easier when we’re on the same page from the beginning.

John: Right. So, I’ve been going through the initial plans, and I think I might have hit the nail on the head with our main challenge.

Mary: Oh, what’s that?

John: Our timeline is pretty tight, and we’re relying heavily on the new software integration, which hasn’t been fully tested yet.

Mary: You’re spot on. I’ve had my concerns about that, too. We might need to bite the bullet and allocate some extra resources to ensure everything runs smoothly.

John: Agreed. It’s better to invest more time and effort upfront rather than facing bigger issues down the line. By the way, did you hear about the marketing strategy change?

Mary: No, I haven’t. Spill the beans!

John: So, apparently, the marketing team has decided to shift the campaign launch to align with the product release. It’s supposed to create a bigger impact.

Mary: Interesting. That might actually work in our favor. If the campaign and the product launch together, we might see a boost in initial engagement.

John: That’s what I thought too. But with this change, the ball is in our court to make sure everything is ready on time.

Mary: Definitely. We need to ensure our team is prepared for the tighter schedule. Have you talked to the IT department about the software integration issues?

John: Yes, I did. They assured me they’re on top of it, but I think it wouldn’t hurt to follow up regularly. Maybe set up weekly check-ins?

Mary: Good idea. Regular updates will help us stay on track and catch any issues early. Also, I’ve been thinking about our kickoff meeting. We should probably break the ice with a fun activity to get everyone relaxed and engaged.

John: I love that idea. Maybe a short team-building exercise or a quick game?

Mary: Exactly. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, just something to set a positive tone. I’ll brainstorm a few ideas and send them over.

John: Sounds great. And Mary, thanks for being so proactive. It really makes a difference.

Mary: No problem, John. I’m excited about this project and I think we’ve got a solid plan. Let’s just keep the communication flowing and tackle issues as they come.

John: Absolutely. Well, I think we’ve covered a lot today. Let’s bite the bullet and get started on these tasks. I’ll send out a summary email with our action items.

Mary: Perfect. I’ll review the project timeline and adjust as necessary based on our discussion. We’ve got this!

John: We sure do. Thanks for meeting with me, Mary. Let’s make this project a success.

Mary: You got it, John. Talk to you soon!




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