Hello! Himeji English Lab校です🐰
名前 Richard(リチャード) 出身国 オーストラリア 担当校舎 🏢姫路校(NOVA&GABA):日曜、月曜、火曜、水曜 🏢西明石校:土曜 こんな方におすすめ! ・Richardのレッスンをご受講されたことがない方 ・オーストラリア英語に触れたい方🐨 ・アニメや漫画、読書好きの方📖 ・旅行好きの方✈
”For 2024, remember there are 24 hours in a day. I hope you can prioritize your English speaking goals this year, even if it’s only once a week or 5 minutes before bed, it all adds up! You won’t regret your time investment in learning English to achieve goals and dreams. You can do it!”
”My first trip to Japan was inspired by various reasons. One was the fact that I was dating a Japanese woman at the time, others included my interest in working overseas. Although I have traveled to many countries on vacation, I had not settled overseas for work before. Having worked across a variety of industries in customer service, I wanted to try working as an english teacher. Also I have always been interested in anime and Japanese history/culture/food. ”
”I like to go to the gym, read books, watch Netflix/Disney plus/YouTube and study Japanese every week. I also try to visit somewhere new like a different restaurant or travel for some sight seeing. I also like spending time with my friends or my wife and trying to cook something delicious. ”
(日本語)ジムに行ったり、本を読んだり、NetflixやDisney plus、YouTubeを見たり、毎週日本語を勉強したりするのが好きです。また、いつもと違うレストランなど新しい場所に行ったり、観光に出かけたりすることもあります。また、友人や妻と過ごしたり、おいしい料理を作ったりするのも好きです。
”I miss the cheap and thick steaks. The beach lifestyle with fishing and barbeques by the ocean and the high wages.”
”My strength is teaching useful languages whether its for travel, networking or business negotiation, there are ways to say more with less using idioms and accurate information. I help my students politely communicate and express their thoughts and feelings.”
明石エリアの講師紹介はこちら!(まだまだ配信予定、お楽しみに♪) >Andy Marian Calvin
ぜひHimeji English Lab校へ ♪
🏢兵庫県姫路市西駅前町1-4 キュエル姫路3階🏢
☎Himeji English Lab校:079-284-2032
NOVA フリーダイヤル:0120-324929
“NOVA姫路校×GABA|明石エリアの講師をご紹介!<Richard編>【姫路】【明石】【西明石】【英会話】” への4件の返信