英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめのレストラン④ 挽肉屋 神徳(part 1)☕






Marshal おすすめレストラン④
☕️ Hikinikuya Jintoku (part 1)
🚃 東銀座駅徒歩2分

So this place isn’t a cafe at all, it’s a meat-dish restaurant that specializes in hamburg! We ended up here when our original cafe plans fell through. This place is pretty popular though. There’s always a line that extends outside the restaurant, so I’d say you should expect to wait a little while if you plan to go here. Truth be told, I’ve walked past this place quite a few times, and I always told myself that I would visit one day. I’m glad that day finally came! It took a while, but we finally made it inside the restaurant after waiting outside in the cold. Thankfully, there was a touch panel that we could use to order. As I might have said before, I’m actually quite shy outside of class, so I really prefer to use a touch panel to order food instead of talking directly to the staff. Any restaurant that has touch panels automatically gets bonus points from me. Once inside, I could finally take a look around the interior of the restaurant. It was quite clean and modern, kind of the opposite of the places I usually go to. The restaurant has a large counter that surrounds the kitchen. While there are a few tables, the majority of seats are counter seats. Quite often, the staff would be waiting for the food with nothing to do, so they would end up standing at the counter facing the customers. It made me a little self conscious, so I tried my best not to look up at them.

part 2へ続きます


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( ´ θ ` )/ 
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