This Christmas season was not just my first holiday experience in Japan, but also my first holiday experience outside America. Like in Japan, the Christmas and New Year’s holidays in America are all about family. Luckily I haven’t been very homesick before this, but of course Christmas and New Year’s made me feel a bit of longing. So, I’m really grateful I had so many good new holiday experiences here in Japan. The most new and special thing for me was participating in the midnight bell ringing (Joya no Kane) at my community shrine in Kugayama. I had no idea how many people would line up and visit the shrine so I was really pleasantly surprised to see everyone. The atmosphere was completely new to me, but I felt really lucky to take part in this old tradition. I was a bit worried about not doing anything wrong at the shrine, so I was really surprised when they gave me so much sake in the wooden masu cup. Then, I was shocked again when they didn’t take the masu cup back! The shrine staff thought it was funny and maybe even thought I was joking when I asked if I could keep it!
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( ´ θ ` )/ NOVA 川崎校
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