Beating the heat with Bulgarian yogurt.
The summer in Bulgaria can be quite hot, although
it’s not usually as humid as it is in Japan.
Yogurt is a staple of Bulgaria and it can be found in a lot of
dishes and drinks that locals snack on to cool off.
One such drink is the ayran. It’s really easy to make and only
requires a few very basic ingredients – yogurt, water, and salt.
While not exclusive to Bulgaria, Bulgarian people have been enjoying
it’s probiotic benefits for centuries.
It’ a perfect way to replenish your natural body salt after
all the summer sweating and it’s rich in vitamins as well.
If you go one step further from ayran, you get the tarator.
It’s another yogurt-based dish that’s easy to spot everywhere
in Bulgaria during the summer season.
Tarator can be described as a cold cucumber soup and
it’s what you get when you add cucumbers, sunflower oil,
dill, and garlic to the already established yogurt-water-salt base.
Not typically a main dish, it’s usually featured alongside other
Bulgarian summer dishes, such as fried zucchini, spinach with rice,
and fried sprat fish.
These yogurt products are really refreshing and
a great way to deal with the summer heat.
But don’t take my word for it, try them out for yourselves!
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