Hello ! NOVA松山校です
By David 先生でお送りします
「Bullet Train(ブレットトレイン)」と伊坂幸太郎の「マリア・ビートル」
As such this week I watched “Bullet Train” on Amazon Prime in full 4K, the Brad Pitt starring action movie set on a shinkansen train rushing from Tokyo to Kyoto. The movie is full of silly one liners, oddball performances, and very stereotypical visual signifiers of Japan. However, the movie is based on “Maria Beatle”, a book written by the Japanese author Isaka Kotaro.
I suspect much of the original novel was adapted in the movie to accomodate English speaking actors but without reading the source material I cannot say definitively. For the first half hour of the movie I found the dialogue annoying and my wife was so bored she fell asleep!
However, once you accept what the movie is doing with it’s crazy characters, extreme but cartoonish violence and wacky plot there are things to enjoy. Brad Pitt, the actor who most thrilled me with his portrayal of Detective Mills in David Fincher’s horrifying serial killer film “Se7en” uses exaggerated facial expressions and never ending quips to deliver an usually casual performance.
Bullet Train総評
The movie ultimately reminded me of Quentin Tarantino’s work, but done with far less of a filmmakers sense of craft and movie knowledge. “Bullet Train” is Tarantino light in every sense.
As I am sure you can tell, I love to discuss film and movies and the silver screen remains my greatest passion in life. Plenty of students in Nova love to tell me what they have watched and what they thought recently. Movies are not everyones jam, but if they are yours, be sure to let me know in class!
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