英会話スクール・英会話教室👻【Shane’s Top10 Horror Movies】おすすめホラームービー 第1位「Halloween」🎥






Halloween (邦題:ハロウィン)
Year of release: 1978
Director: John Carpenter

Was there ever a chance of it being anything else other than John
Carpenter’s Halloween? It has almost become mandatory for people to pop
in a dvd of Halloween, while the children are out trick or treating, on those
cold October 31st evenings. Halloween is a slasher movie in the truest
sense. A crazy masked man with a kitchen knife stalks suburban teenagers
(including a young Jamie Lee Curtis in her star making signature role) on
Halloween evening. Its story is simple. Its execution is perfect. The movie is
eerily quiet with very little, if any, special effects. Made on a shoestring
budget, the financial constraints works in favour of the movie and gives it a
very raw, straightforward and an almost calming feel. But, most importantly,
it doesn’t allow the movie to be bothered by unnecessary side plots or
characters. Halloween is a very efficient movie, and director John Carpenter
guides the movie along at a very brisk pace. Not a single shot feels wasted
here. For that reason, it ends up being a very entertaining film. But, it’s also a
film that knows how to scare its audience. There isn’t much blood here, but
what it lacks in gore, it makes up for in pure suspense and tension. Much of
the movie is just shadows and light with people jumping out and a simple
but killer (pun intended) score – but who said you needed so much to scare
people while also making an entertaining film? The (many) Halloween
sequels have tried to do bigger things with more money, but they all lack the
terrifying simplicity of John Carpenter’s original (although the 2018
Halloween film – which was marketed as a reboot, but is actually a direct
sequel to the original – is actually pretty good and easily the best Halloween
sequel). This movie is made up of simple ingredients, but the end result is
one that cannot be bested, especially at this time of year!!



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