A trip to Nagasaki.
Recently, I took a short trip to Nagasaki, in Kyushu. The purpose of my trip was to explore the city and learn more about its history and culture. Nagasaki was the gateway for foreign trade into Japan and with trade came other cultural imports, which were to have a lasting influence, both before and after the Meiji Restoration. Christianity was able to flourish in Japan until it was deemed disruptive and a threat to the power of the Shogunate. The Portuguese introduced frying as a means of cooking, including the first tempura eaten in Japan. Sweet foods, such as Castella cake and other confectionaries became popular but were not enjoyed by everyone, due to the high price of sugar at the time.
I enjoyed strolling around the streets of Nagasaki and visiting Dejima, Glover garden, The Dutch Slope, Megane bridge and Chinatown. Unfortunately, I was unable to secure a ticket for the day tour to Gunkanjima so I now have a reason to return to Nagasaki someday in the future. As someone who doesn`t eat seafood, I was unable to enjoy some of the most famous dishes in Nagasaki, including Champon and Sara Udon.
However, one dish I had been waiting to try since planning my trip was a unique hybrid dish known as Turkish Rice. This dish comprises spaghetti Napolitan, Chinese style fried rice and is topped with Tonkatsu. Its origin is a debated topic but it seems like an appropriate dish for a city with such a long history of multiculturalism in Japan.
If you visit Nagasaki please try this dish. I`m sure you will enjoy it!