“How was your weekend?”と聞かれたらどう答えていらっしゃいますか?「映画見たよ」とか「買い物に行ったよ」とか答えていませんか?
答えの例:- It was fun, I went shopping with my friends.
“How was your weekend?”と“What did you do this weekend?”と聞かれた時、それぞれ答え方が違いますので、
●“How was your weekend?”
The important part of this question is how. This is asking about the condition, so we should answer with a feeling first, before explaining anything else.
– It was fun, I went shopping with my friends.
– It was good, I saw a movie at the cinema.
– It wasn’t so good, I had a cold.
●“How was your trip?”
– It was great, we went to many hot springs.
– It was okay, it was raining, but we still did lots of sightseeing.
– It was terrible, I lost my passport.
★“What did you do this weekend?”
The important part of this question is what and do. Different to “how was your weekend?”, we are asked about our actions, so feeling is not necessary.
– I went shopping with my friends.
– I saw a movie at the cinema.
– I stayed at home because I had a cold.
★“What did you do on your trip?”
– We went to many hot springs.
– Even though it was raining, we did lots of sightseeing.
– We ate lots of food and visited many museums, but unfortunately, I lost my passport.