🌈Adverb Clauses(副詞節)🌈


本日は Adverb Clauses 副詞節 についてです❕❕

Adverb Clauses

Adverb clauses are used in a few different ways in English, often to show a change. We use them to show when an event took place, a contrast or change, a condition and a cause. One rule to remember is that they have to be attached to another clause, either before the main clause or after the main clause.

For example;

When I was young, I liked football.
I liked football when I was young.

When they come before we have to separate them with a comma, after without. Lets practice filling in the blanks with the words at the bottom.



NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

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Hello everyone! My name is Joseph and I’m from Florida in the United States. Florida is best known for its tropical weather and beaches. Florida is also known as the Sunshine State because of the great weather.

Millions of tourists from all over the world flock to Florida every single year. Popular tourist attractions include Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, South Beach, The Florida Everglades, The Florida Keys, and Kennedy Space Center.

Sports are also very popular in Florida. There are three professional football teams in Florida, two professional basketball teams, two professional baseball teams, two professional hockey teams, and two professional soccer teams.

The most famous animal in Florida might be the alligator but the official state animal in Florida is actually the Florida Panther.

Did you know that Florida is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles live together?

Florida is an exciting place to live and a great place to visit on vacation.







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🌹All Saints Day🌹



Halloween has become famous all throughout Japan recently, but did you know that there’s a holiday the next day, too? In the Western world, Halloween actually has another name: All Hallow’s Eve. We dress as scary monsters on Halloween because they are a symbol of those who have died, but then the next day we celebrate the lives of holy people, or Saints. This is why November 1st is called All Saints Day.

The history of the Christian church is very complicated, but usually the church names people who did a great service for them, and they are named Saints. There are many different Saints, like Saint Peter, Saint John, and many, many others. However, there are also a lot of people who could be called Saints that church never noticed. This is why All-Saints Day is called “All-Saints”: it is actually for all of the saints, both known and not known!

This was the purpose of the holiday, but Halloween has lost so much of its Christian influence in the West that many Westerners don’t know that Halloween was meant as the first celebration of All-Saints Day. In fact, many Christians in the West now even oppose Halloween for being a celebration of demons!

All-Saints Day is not commonly celebrated anymore, but is normally recognized by clergy members (people who run the church, like Priests, Pastors, and so on). A usual All-Saints Day celebration consists of a feast and a pray offered to remember the Saints who have gone to Heaven involving candles. However, this may be why it is no longer celebrated even with Christians. Kids receive plenty of candy on Halloween, and there’s a big feast already on Christmas (and also on Thanksgiving in America). Families may not have enough food for another feast at the beginning of the month!

皆さんは、ハロウィンの次の日にAll Saints Dayという祝日があるのはご存知でしたか?😳

是非、All Saints Dayについて池袋西口校でMatthewに聞いてみてください❕

NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>




✨Present Perfect Tense✨

The present perfect tense is a verb tense that shows an action or event has taken place before. The basic structure use has/have + past participle.
For example:
・I have been to France.
・He has eaten to sushi.
・She has bought a car.
・They have been to London.

To make a question we change the subject and has/have:
Have you been to France?
Has he eaten sushi?
Has she bought a car?
Have they been to London?

To make a negative we add not before the verb:
・I have not been to France.
・He has not eaten sushi.
・She has not bought a car.
・They have not been to London.

The key to using the present perfect is the verb and knowing the past participle. Let’s try some exercises; try changing these sentences to the present perfect:
・I miss the bus = I have missed the bus.
・I visited France.
・She ate sushi.
・They did not buy a car.
・He did not go to London.

Now lets fill in the blanks:
・I have told him to be quiet. (tell)
・I _____________ that movie. (see)
・Steve ___________ of going to Columbia since he was young. (dream)
・Melissa ______________ at the airport. (arrive)



NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>



本日はカルフォルニア出身の講師Chris先生が秋の時期に人気のpumpkin spiceについてお話してくれました🎃

The heat has finally started to subside and the cool winds have reached Tokyo. The fall weather in Tokyo is very pleasant and actually has color-changing leaves, as opposed to the green-to-brown color changing leaves in California. One popular tradition in the United States during the fall season are the flavors. Over the years, Pumpkin Spice has become a Flavor of Fall, especially since we traditionally eat pumpkin pie during Thanksgiving. If you have yet to experience the power of pumpkin spice, it has a sweet, pumpkin taste, along with a hint of cinnamon. It started as a flavor to eat, but you can now find candles with the same scent! What are some traditional foods and flavors from where you are from?

皆さんはpumpkin spiceを味わったことがおありでしょうか?



NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>





How do I study Japanese?
Many people ask me how do I study Japanese. I studied Japanese at my university. At first it was so difficult because I had to learn hiragana, katakana, and also hundreds of kanji, but I always enjoyed it because everything was so new. I felt like I could see the world opening up right in front of my eyes with so many new experiences waiting for me if I just studied hard. Now, here I am today, living in Japan and practicing my Japanese every day speaking with my Japanese friends.

I’m still not perfect at Japanese but I practice everyday by reading light novels in Japanese and listening to Japanese music. When I read light novels in Japanese there are a lot of Chinese characters that I don’t understand but I take the time to look up the meaning and how to read the character. Then I write a memo in my notebook and try to use the new vocabulary word in my daily life. Usually my Japanese friends tell me if what I’m saying sounds strange or if it’s unnatural Japanese. So everyday I’m learning something new. When I listen to Japanese music I like to look at the lyrics while I listen. This is a great way to improve my listening ability.

I think learning new languages is so much fun. And it’s great to keep your brain working by learning new things.




NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677


NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>




I used to have hobbies. I used to write songs on my guitar and I used to play bass. I used to play five-a-side football and I used to go to the gym a few times a week. That was before I had to work a full time job.
These days I have lost my hobbies and I would like to find both the time and the energy to engage in some new stuff. If I spent a lot less time staring at my laptop and if I spent a lot less money on junk food, perhaps I would have a bit more vitality with which to pursue some hobbies.
I have recently discovered that here in Japan we can participate in futsal individually. In England, we had to get a group of at least 5 friends together in order to play. It was sometimes difficult to arrange a time that was suitable for everyone. It was also difficult to find five friends. I hope to join an individual participation futsal session soon, probably in Ikebukuro. My only worry is that I am a bit heavier/fatter these days and I have a dodgy knee. I should probably lose some weight and strengthen my leg muscles before getting back on a pitch.
Living in an apartment here makes it difficult to write songs. I want to sing and play my guitar, but I don’t want to annoy my neighbors. I have tried karaoke rooms and rehearsal rooms, but they aren’t very relaxing. I find it hard to get in the zone. My plan is to move into a detached house outside of Tokyo and then it is my hope that I will be able to relax enough to enjoy some songwriting. I’d also like to buy an electronic drum kit.
If you have any ideas on where and how I can find the motivation/energy to do pull ups, press ups, go running and stretch etc. please let me know.



NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>

😆Tongue Twisters(早口言葉)で発音練習😆



English Tongue Twisters To Help Improve Your Pronunciation

Tongue twisters are a really fun way to practice certain syllable sounds you are having trouble with.
Most tongue twisters are short sentences that make use of rhetorical devices such as alliteration (repeating the same consonant sound in the first syllable of every word) and assonance (the repetition of similar vowel sounds in a series of words), and often require the speaker to produce different sounds that need a lot of tongue and mouth movement.
Each phrase is then repeated and spoken faster and faster and faster and faster until it becomes impossible to say.

They are popular all over the world. I use these well-known Japanese tongue twisters you may be familiar with to help with my Japanese pronunciation.
なまむぎ なまごめ なまたまご
この竹垣に 竹立て掛けたのは 竹立て掛けたかったから、竹立て掛けた
Even for native speakers, these can be quite challenging!
I’m from London, so I have a lot of trouble with any tongue twister that feature a lot of ‘th’ sounds, but I always have fun trying.
Have a go with some of these examples and see how well they help with some difficult English syllable sounds. Try to say them as fast as you can!

“she sells seashells by the seashore”
“red lorry, yellow lorry”
“red brick, blue brick”
“I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen”
“if Pikachu chews shoes, whose shoes does Pikachu chose?”
“he threw three free throws”
“eleven benevolent elephants”
“lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better”
“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.”
“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?”



NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

NOVA 池袋西口校(東京都)英会話スクール・英会話教室はこちら >>




What’s the difference?

Hello everyone! Recently the weather is slowly but surely cooling down as we enter Autumn. And as we all know, it is currently typhoon season in Japan.
We generally describe typhoons as a natural phenomenon where it’s a big storm with strong winds and rain.

However,did you know that there are other names for these storms?
That is: Cyclone, Hurricane, Typhoon, Tornado and Twister.
So how are they different?

1. Cyclone
Firstly, cyclones are essentially any type of circular wind storms. But recently it is commonly used to describe the strong tropical storms, such as off the coast of India.

2. Hurricane
Hurricanes are huge wind storms that form on water.This is also used to specifically describe the wind storms formed in the Atlantic Ocean. Common areas include the Caribbean Islands and East-Coast America.

3. Typhoon
Typhoons are the same as Hurricanes but are formed on the Pacific Ocean. Common areas include Japan, Philippines and China.

4. Tornado
Tornadoes on the other hand, are wind storms that form on land and are generally much smaller compared to Hurricanes/Typhoons. Often these are the ones where you can actually see the funnel-shaped clouds.

5. Twister
Maybe you’ve heard of twister if you have watched American TV. Twister is simply the casual term for tornado in the States.

So there you have it. 5 different words to describe a phenomenon that may seem like the same thing but actually have small differences.

Hope you found this interesting! Looking forward to seeing you in class soon and take care!




NOVA池袋西口校 ☎03-3985-5677

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