英会話スクール・英会話教室☕川崎校の英語の先生Marshalおすすめの日本のカフェ ㉘Starbucks Reserve Part.1☕






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Marshal おすすめカフェ㉘
☕️ Starbucks Reserve Part.1
🚃 中目黒駅徒歩14分

I think I’ve written about the Starbucks Reserve in Ginza before. That was alright, but I had no idea how different the one in Meguro was. First off, it’s absolutely gigantic. There are 4 floors in total, with each floor serving different food and drinks. There’s even a Teavana on the third floor with some delicious offerings that smell fantastic as you pass by. All of this was honestly a bit overwhelming when I first walked in. When I went on a Saturday night, it was crowded, but thankfully there wasn’t a wait. We could sit on any of the 4 floors, and there were quite a few tables available on each floor. Most of the walls had giant windows that offered a beautiful view of the surrounding neighborhood and Meguro river. The interior is dominated by a large round copper-colored tank with the Reserve logo on the front. The brass-colored furniture and counters in the rest of the cafe complement the large centerpiece perfectly. Scattered throughout were smaller brass containers and various tubes and chains that seem to transport coffee beans between the four floors. I was honestly impressed by how beautiful the interior was. It had been a while since I’d seen such a tall ceiling too!


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